

主营: 工业用润滑油

天助网 > 商铺首页 > 新闻列表 > KLUBERSYNTH GH 6-150
第11年 |    
企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 经销批发
所在地区: 广东 深圳
联系卖家: 李成 先生   
手机号码: 13631557081
公司官网: sld198.tz1288.com
公司地址: 广东省深圳市龙岗区平湖街道新南工业区大岭路80号


发布时间:2021-11-05 16:55:00        作者:深圳市顺利达润滑油有限公司

Benefits for your application
– The oils meet the requirements according to DIN 51517-3, CLP. Corresponding gears
can be switched to Klübersynth GH 6 oils without prior c***ultation provided the general application notes are
– KlüberComp Lube Technology involves the selection of high-quality raw materials and individual c***ultation and
services by Klüber Lubrication, ensuring high-performance lubrication of different gearbox components.
– As of ISO VG 220 the scuffing load stage API GL-5 is achieved. Gears are sufficiently
protected against scuffing even under high peak loads.
– The oils' high micropitting resistance acc. to FVA 54 GFT ? 10 offers sufficient protection to gears that are subject to
high loads and would normally be susceptible to this type of damage.
– Good wear protection prevents premature rolling bearing failure.
– Much longer service life than mineral oils due to the excellent ageing and oxidation resistance of the base oil; thus
maintenance intervals can be extended and in certain cases even lifetime lubrication is ***sible.
– Owing to the wide service temperature range a single viscosity grade can cover both low and high temperatures in
many applicati***.
– The optimum friction behaviour of the polyglycol base oil reduces power losses and improves efficiency.
– The excellent viscosity-temperature behaviour supports the formation of a sufficient lubricating film even at elevated
and high temperatures.
– Seals made of 72 NBR 902 (except ISO VG 22), 75 FKM 585 and 75 FKM 170055 are resistant to Klübersynth GH 6 oils.
Leakage and contamination are prevented.
– Approved by Siemens (Flender), Siemens Geared Motoros, SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord, St?ber
Antriebstechnik, Lenze, ZAE Antriebssysteme, Bonfiglioli, Rossi Motoriduttori, Motovario, Moventas, Boston Gear,
Baldor and many more.


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  • 李成先生
  • 手机:13631557081
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地址:广东省深圳市龙岗区平湖街道新南工业区大岭路80号 主营产品:工业用润滑油

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